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The state attorney's office (or the equivalent thereof) may file charges against anyone on its own initiative if it finds there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.

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Q: How can both parties be charged with domestic violence when neither party laid charges?
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Do you believe that domestic violence should be traumatizing?

Because of the word "Violence" traumatizing is automatically included; without traumatization of violence there would be neither.

Is sadomasochism domestic violence?

No it isn't. In sadomasochism, the 'bottom' can stop it at anytime, the person consents to it and feels a sense of pride and closeness to the 'top' after. This is the opposite in domestic violence, where afterward, the victim feels hatred for the perpetrator, does not have the power to stop it while it is happening, and neither consents to it.

Does a law enforcement officer have the right to press charges against a person involved in a domestic with a spouse when the spouse does not feel the need to press charges?

yesIn most states if an officer is dispatched to a domestic call and there is evidence that an assault took place then they are required to make an arrest. The police do not press charges and neither does the spouse. The prosecutor presses charges.

Is it true that when salt formed by postively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chlorine ions the charge on the salt becomes positive?

No, when positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chlorine ions combine to form salt (sodium chloride), the overall charge of the salt is neutral. This is because the positive charges from sodium ions balance out the negative charges from chlorine ions.

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Neutral objects are neither attracted nor repelled by positively or negatively charged objects. This is because neutral objects have an equal number of positive and negative charges, resulting in no net charge and hence no interaction with charged objects.

Where do static charges usually go?

As we know charges can neither be created nor be destroyed, they just transfer for one place to another.For eg. :- when we say that a body is negatively charged,then that doesn't mean the negative charge was created in the body, but it means that the charge is transferred from somewhere else. Usually the negatively charged particles escape into the atmosphere from the body when friction force is applied.

When an atom loses an electron it becomes charged?

An atom has three charges: protons which are +, electrons which are - and neutrons which have neither. They balance each other out. If electrons are lost, the atom now has more protons and the atom becomes positive.

Are domestic partnerships legal in Alabama?

No, neither the state, nor any city or county in Oklahoma maintains a domestic partnership registry.

Is xenon negatively charged or positively charged?

Neither - it is an inert/noble gas and quite stable.

Are domestic partnerships legal in Virginia?

No, neither the state, nor any city or county in Virginia maintains a domestic partnership registry.

Are domestic partnerships legal in Nebraska?

No, neither the state nor any city or county has a domestic partnership registry.

Are domestic partnerships legal in Montana?

No, neither the state nor any city or county has a domestic partnership registry.