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If the crime committed can be considered a crime only an adult would commit then the 11 year old can be charged as an adult. For example intentional murder. But this is strictly up to the judge.

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Q: How can an 11yr old child be charged as an adult?
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yes he can because if he is 15 and he does not do that he is stiil an adult

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No you shouldn't it will cost you tons of money and 11 isn't old enough. 16 is old enough.

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not necessarily but technically...yes. depending on what the DA wants to do. you could be charged as an adult. but most likely that wont happen

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Parents can not give legal consent for their minor child to have sex. The minor must have reached age of consent in the state. If the child was below age of consent and the parents knew they had sex, they can be charged with aiding to statutory rape.

Can an 11yr old cum?

of course

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no- simply put no one has the right to take your child away regardless unless they see you as a threat to the child.

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Yes, they can be charged with assault. They may even be charged as an adult.

Can a 20 year old date a 12 year old?

No. A 20 year old is an adult and a 12 year old is a child and a minor. If sex takes place the 20 year old can be charged with rape and sexual abuse of a minor.

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A 13-year-old is considered a child, not an adult. In most countries, adulthood is legally recognized at the age of 18.

How long should a 11yr old sleep for?

for 8 Hrs