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If you think your being denied employment because of your race, color, national origin, that type of thing...there are several equal employment groups and commissions, (just check with any state employment office), that would be willing to help you. They have the ability to investigate and prove claims, as well as prosecute the offenders and get restitution for you.

If you feel your being denied employment for some other someone doesn't like you (even unjustifiably) and lets everyone know, or that a past employer says he didn't like your performance and wouldn't hire you again, or someone says they believe your a drug user, child molester, etc. (even with limited proof, but qualified as it being their belief), there ain't much you can do. It is their right to express their opinion, even if it is wrong. If it defames you....and that is a hard road to go, you may have some type of legal action against the one saying it...but that's a very hard road...and they have to have something for you to get. Its just better to not let people like that know what your up to.

Apply for work and keep it quiet. Use different references. There probably really isn't a list circulating where everyone agrees to hurt their business by not hiring the good people on it, just for someone elses spite.....The world may not be as centered on you as you think!

You know for sure your not, because what your suggestingg is a figment of your imagination. Job sarching, especially in todays market is tough. Maybe it is something you interview, dress, tattoos, breath, etc.

Please see the Q; Can_confirm_your_name_blacklist_or_not

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Q: How can a person confirm he is being blackballed from employment in the Phoenix metro area and what can be done about it?
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