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If the aunt is not agreeable, it will require a custody challenge, including demonstrating that child support was paid during the time period.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

In order for a mother to regain custody of her son after signing over legal custody to his aunt, she would typically need to go through the legal process of petitioning the court to modify the custody arrangement. This may involve demonstrating that there has been a significant change in circumstances or proving that it is in the best interest of the child to have custody returned to the mother. Consulting with a family law attorney would be recommended to navigate the specific legal requirements and options in their jurisdiction.

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Q: How can a mother gain custody back of her son after signing over legal custody to his aunt?
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If your aunt has custody over you then you have to go through the court system to be with your mother. It also deals with whether your mother can have you live with her. If she has a drug problem, alcohol problem, or simply doesn't have the money to raise you the courts will rule against this. If you don't care to be in the custody of your aunt, then you can ask the court to send you to a relative of your choice providing that relative would want to care for you. If you just want to be with you mother and your aunt doesn't have custody and the court system isn't involved by all means you can go live with your mother, but be sure your mother can handle you living with her and has the finances to look after you. There is something going on here because most mothers, if they can, would keep their children close to them. There is a reason you are with your aunt. If you have visitation rights with your mother at the present time then there is a reason for that. It's time to sit down with your aunt and ask why you can't live with your mother, but I have a feeling she has already told you. Good luck Marcy

Teen living with aunt since birth no legal custody order bio mom has legal custody can teen leave with her consent without aunt being able to stop him in California?

we can trie with all or meiant to stope that form happen but it's a part of sicete so the only thing we can do is live with it so keep doing what your do'ing .

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