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The laws of the state in which the debtor resides determine what action a judgment creditor can take to recover monies owed. In the majority of states wage garnishment or bank account levy (including joint accounts) are allowed and are the most commonly used action by a creditor. Other non exempt property owned by the debtor is subject to seizure and sale and liens against real property in most cases are also possible. Generally the same exemptions that are allowed when a debtor files bankruptcy are those that are allowed to protect real and personal property against a judgment execution. Homeowner's should be aware of their state's homestead laws especially whether the home is automatically protected under state law or a homestead claim needs to be filed on the property. States that do not allow wage garnishment for creditor debt are Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, Texas (with exceptions). Several other states such as Florida have very strict garnishment laws which make it difficult for a head of household to have wages attached. Married couples living in community property states are generally responsible for debt regardless of which spouse incurred such (exceptions Texas and Wisconsin). Married couples living in non community property states are not responsible for each others solely incurred debt but joint property can be attached by creditor judgment with the exception of property held as Tenancy By The Entirety.

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Q: How can a creditor who wins a lawsuit judgment collect from a debtor who is unable to pay.?
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Can a lien for an unsecured loan be filed against a law suit?

A creditor can sue in court to obtain a lien against a debtor for an unsecured loan. If successful in the lawsuit, the creditor can request a judgment lien that can be used to take the debtor's property to pay the amount due.A creditor can sue in court to obtain a lien against a debtor for an unsecured loan. If successful in the lawsuit, the creditor can request a judgment lien that can be used to take the debtor's property to pay the amount due.A creditor can sue in court to obtain a lien against a debtor for an unsecured loan. If successful in the lawsuit, the creditor can request a judgment lien that can be used to take the debtor's property to pay the amount due.A creditor can sue in court to obtain a lien against a debtor for an unsecured loan. If successful in the lawsuit, the creditor can request a judgment lien that can be used to take the debtor's property to pay the amount due.

How do you file for a judgment for an unpaid promissory note?

The creditor (holder of the note) would need to file a lawsuit in the court of jurisdiction where the debtor(borrower) resides. If the creditor prevails in the suit a judgment will be entered against the borrower. The creditor can then execute the judgment in accordance with the laws of the debtor's state.

What is a filed judgment?

It indicates the creditor plaintiff has won a lawsuit against the debtor defendent and a judgment has been entered in favor of the creditor. The creditor can enforce the judgment in accordance with the laws of the debtor's state of residency. The preferred method of executing a creditor judgment is wage garnishment, followed by bank account levy, a lien against real property owned by the debtor or the seizure and sale of nonexempt property owned by the debtor.

Can a person's wages or bank account be garnished for credit card debt in Texas?

The creditor would need to obtain a lawsuit judgment from the Texas court before wage garnishment would be allowed. Texas only allows garnishment of wages when there are no other means for a judgment creditor to collect a debt owed. If a judgment has already been entered against the debtor in a different state, the judgment creditor can place a "foreign" judgment lien against property owned by the debtor.

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An outstanding judgment is a court order that gives a creditor the legal right to collect from a debtor. As court judgments are a matter of public record, a creditor can report the judgment on the debtor's credit reports. An example of a judgment placed on a credit report would be a judgment for eviction. This judgment will remain on the credit report for seven years from the filing date.

When does a credit card company start garnishing your wages?

After the creditor wins a lawsuit and has been awarded a judgment against the debtor and then files the judgment as a wage garnishment action.

Can a credit card company put a lien on your property in Georgia?

The debtor would certainly be notified their account is delinquent. Also, the debtor knows when they haven't been paying their bills. The creditor must sue in court and win a judgment. If it wins the court will issue a judgment lien that can be recorded in the land records. The debtor will be notified of the lawsuit and must appear at the hearing or the creditor will win by default. It is better to negotiate a payment plan, if possible.

If you are owed 150K on a promissory note and the other party is refusing to pay how can you collect?

The creditor(lender) will more than likely have to file a lawsuit against the debtor (borrower) to recover monies owed. If the creditor wins the suit a judgment will be entered against the debtor. The judgment can be executed according to state laws against any nonexempt property belonging to the debtor. The judgment holder should use caution when seizing property, as they can be penalized for incumbering exempted property of the debtor or possibly jointly owned property. The safe and expedient method of enforcing a judgment is by wage garnishment.

Can the Judge direct his office staff to collect the money payable by the judgment Debtor?

The Court is not responsible for collecting judgments. The creditor is responsible for collecting on the judgment.

How do you avoid a judgment?

If the judgment is valid it can be executed by the judgment holder in the manner prescribed by the laws of the state in which the judgment debtor resides. The only action available to avoid a lawsuit judgment is to reach an agreement with the creditor for repayment of the debt.

What is the consequence to the debtor if you are an unnamed creditor in a Chapter 7 and should be?

Any creditor not included in a bankruptcy discharge retains the right to continue attempting to collect a debt. That would include using legal remedy in the form of a lawsuit against the debtor.

Can a court act as a collection agency for a third party?

Courts do not collect debt owed when it pertains to a civil judgment. In civil cases the judge orders a judgment to be entered against the debtor, the judgment creditor uses the judgment in whatever manner is allowed by law to collect the debt. Example, the creditor receives a judgment in a civil suit, then files the judgment as a wage garnishment against the debtor, the judge signs the garnishment order and the sheriff or other officer of the court serves the garnishment order on the employer of the debtor.