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It won't benefit the father. Paternity can be established through a court ordered DNA test.

It won't benefit the father. Paternity can be established through a court ordered DNA test.

It won't benefit the father. Paternity can be established through a court ordered DNA test.

It won't benefit the father. Paternity can be established through a court ordered DNA test.

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13y ago

It won't benefit the father. Paternity can be established through a court ordered DNA test.

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Q: How can a birth certificate benefit the father if his name isn't on it?
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You will have to go to court and write it all on a stamp paper and get it done by a magistrate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In many countries you can not remove the natural fathers name from a birth certificate and a natural father has the rite to have his name added to a birth certificate. The only time you could reasonably have a father's name removed would be if you could prove the person on the certificate could not be the natural father (eg after a DNA test). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to remove a father's name from a birth certificate the person making the request must provide certified information to the state. The certified information must be in the form of a court order or a form signed by the biological father. Each state has its own rules. You need to contact your State Vital Records Department to determine what forms and proof they require. You should be able to find it simply by doing an internet search for your state + 'vital statistics'. Use the contact information at that website to make your inquiry. A sample request from the State of Texas is provided for your information at the link below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the name on the birth certificate is not the biological father, and the parents were not married when the child was born, then paternity testing, legal action and the court can decide to remove the name. HOWEVER, if the parent's WERE married, the father of the child is LEGALLY considered to be that person on the certificate, and to remove his name is very difficult. If the marriage was very very short, the baby didn't ever live with the father AND the true biological father was pursuing action to obtain parental rights AND the father on the birth certificate wanted out then there is a much greater chance. If all of these things are met, contact a family law lawyer. There is no do it yourself road on this one as far as I know. If it's about child support, contact your state's family services department. If you're the "dad", you are not getting off that certificate easily, even if your ex cheated and the child is not yours, unless you were never married and never lived together. If you're the mom, just know that both men will have to be on board with removing one name and putting the other on.

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Not according to the Internet. In fact, people who promote this Redemption Theory are considered fraudsters by the FBI. People who have tried to take advantage of this theory have gone to jail.

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