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In Australia? Statute laws are made as a bill which passes through parliament.

DRAFTING. 1) First there is the 'drafting' of the bill, where the bill is put into correct words, phrases, amd definitions (such a job is done by the parliamentary draftsman). If the bill is being initiated by the political party currently in government, then the proposal is discussed in the 'cabinet' before being passed to the parliamentary draftmen for drafting. After the bill is drafted, it is taken back to the cabinet for approval

INITIATION. 2) Here the minister announces that he/she will take action on the next sitting day to bring in a bill for an act to... (the clerk will read to title of the bill), and the possible reasons for its necessary existence will be made evident.

FIRST READING. 3) This stage is where the title of the bill is read by the minister introducing the bill. Before proceeding to the next stage, a vote is taken, and copies of the bill are given to each member in the house - so that they may study and scrutinize the bill for possible flaws.

SECOND READING. 4) The minister responsible for the introduction of the bill then explains in greater detail why the bill is necessary, and what changes will occur as en effect of the bills initiation in society. Discussion and debate concerning the bill may follow. The opposition may also seek adjournment for a change to read and investigate the bill more closely.

COMMITTEE STAGE. 5) At this point the entire lower house acts as a committee to examine the bill in detail, discussing and debating the various clauses. Only here may amendments be made, and the clauses (sections of the bill) are voted on individually.

THIRD READING. 6) The chairperson of committees (who chaired the debate) then reports to the 'Speaker', and the bill is read a third time. A vote is taken. After the legislative assembly votes in favour of the bill, it is sent to the upper house (legislative council) where the same process is followed. If any amendments are made to the bill, the proceedure must be repeated in the lower house (legislative assembly) for reapproval.

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What is the laws in Australia?

Gerard Mcgookin

Who makes laws in Australia?

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