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In the United States women can sell their individually owned property in many jurisdictions without the consent of their husbands. You need to check the laws in your jurisdiction. Generally, men no longer have absolute legal control over their wives.

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Q: How about a woman sold a property that with her name but there is no consent of the husband?
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Is a house considered joint property Iowa If the deed is in wifes name and the husband signs off on the property whos name goes on the check when purchased?

Iowa is a separate property state. A married woman can own property in her sole name. If the property is sold, her name goes on the check as the payee.Iowa is a separate property state. A married woman can own property in her sole name. If the property is sold, her name goes on the check as the payee.Iowa is a separate property state. A married woman can own property in her sole name. If the property is sold, her name goes on the check as the payee.Iowa is a separate property state. A married woman can own property in her sole name. If the property is sold, her name goes on the check as the payee.

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No, you cannot apply for a credit card in your husband's name without his signature and consent.

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That depends on the state. In most places a wife has an interest in any real property the husband owns. Even if the wife's name is not on the deed. Consult an attorney in your state or jurisdiction.

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Since the loan is in both of your names and you are still married, the husband will have to sign over his part of the property for you to sale it, or agree to sale it, more than likely sharing any profit that you may gain from this. Marriage property is viewed as community property in which husband/wife each own 50% of of said property, one can not sell with out the others consent, regardless of who's name is on it "first".

Can a married woman have a credit card in her name alone without the husband's consent?

Yes, as long as she can qualify. In fact, a woman shouldestablish her own credit record. You can read more about women and credit at the related link.

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What is the meaning of mon etvir?

Mon etvir is Latin for my husband. Sometimes property in the wife's name is followed by "etvir" and the husband's name, indicating it is joint property.

What is the proper name for a woman whose husband is dead?

The woman is a widow.

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Spouse means husband or wife, so if you are a woman they are asking for your husband's name.

How does widow obtain property when husband died was living with another woman who will not release property truck travel trailer jewelry etc There is no will?

If the other woman was not married to your husband when he died then she has no right to any property that he owned in his own name. If you were still married to him when he died you are an heir at law and you will inherit some or all of his property under the laws of intestacy of your state. You can check those laws at the related question link provided below. You should consult with an attorney. Your husband's estate may need to be probated. The attorney could review your situation and determine what your legal rights and options are. You may be able to have the sheriff collect the property that belonged to your husband.

What is the name for a woman whose husband cheats on her?

There is no special name for a woman whose husband cheats on her. The name of a man whose wife cheats on him is a cuckold.