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The check is to pay for the extra stuff you need due to your disability. It goes to the minor's parents since they are the one's supporting you and paying for everything. So when you are an adult it goes to you.

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Q: Hi I have a rare disease and I am on disability my parents keep the check i'm 15 can they legaly keep it or can I keep it?
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how old are you and are you living with him?

Can you claim a disabled parent on your taxes?

YES - if you can document that your support is 50% or greater of the parents disability check

Can you get disability for Crohn's disease?

Yes Depending on the severity of the disease and the frequency of the flare ups you can qualify for permanent disability. Speak with your doctors about your quality of life and check with your Government services office for the forms.

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Yes Depending on the severity of the disease and the frequency of the flare ups you can qualify for partial disability or Long term disability . Speak with your doctors about your quality of life and check with your Government Services office for the forms.

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Your VA Disability check is NOT taxable. VA Disability is a compensation NOT earned income.

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Unless death is regarded a disability NO

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This depends on what you mean by not "serious". A disability is a disability. Check the disability laws for the state you reside in to find out what the requirements are in order for one to collect disability insurance. If your disability prevents you from working or performing normally, then it is still serious.