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the cost of the health care is about (((((((((((((((((((I DONT KNOW)))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Q: Health care of Spain
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What type of health care do they have in Spain?

Spain has a National Healthcare program.

Is health care free in Eurpoe?

It depends which country, in the UK it is but in countries like France and Spain it's not, so you need insurance.AnswerThere is no such thing as 'free health care'. However, in much of Europe, health care costs are covered by taxes and health care is 'free at the point of delivery'. Most European countries also have private health care insurance for those who want to take advantage of it.Routine health care is eligible only to residents of those countries, although accident/emergency care is usually available to all, regardless of eligibility.

When was Ministry of Health - Spain - created?

Ministry of Health - Spain - was created in 1977.

What is health care delivery?

The delivery of health care.

What does health care do?

Provides health care if you can not afford it.

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Are health care professionals who provide mental health care integrated with other systems of care?

Yes there are a few health care professions who do provide mental health care with other care systems. what area are they located in?

Does Donald Trump have health care?

Well if Donald Trump supports health care then he must have health care!

What do health care providers provide?

Health care providers offer preventive care, rehab care, informational care, and curative care. They are trained in medicine, nursing and community health.

How can health care providers work together within the continuum of care?

Health care providers could work together within the continuum of care by making health care more affordable to patients with out health insurance. Good communication skills is important in health care.

What kind of health care does Canada have?

Socialized health care.

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