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Sounds like a wonderful idea but in the real I wish!! Answer: Almost every religion has come up with theis idea and put a label like "The Golden Rule" on it. Sounds great and would be great but te application becomes a bit sticky. Imagine a restaurant filled with people who believe in this rule - ideally the patrons should look up from their meal, out the window and see a hungry person and run out to invite them in and share the food with them. The sad thing is that if all the food and goods were divided up world wide and managed well - we'd all have plenty - more than plenty. Wht happens is that some 1st World societies get all the goodies while 3rd world societies (and the poor in 1st World societies) get nothing. Go to the Link to see where you fit into the world's pecking order of rich folks. Amazingly enough a person gettting $20 a week ( a teen in the US with an allowance or the odd baby sitting gig) is in the top 44% of the wage earners in he world!

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15y ago

I would describe that as a principle of moral consistency.

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