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Higher wages, Cultural and educational opportunities, The opportunity to get rich,Recreational advantages


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Q: Four factors luring rural people to the big city included?
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Four factors luring rural people to the big city?

Employment opportunities and higher wages Better access to education and healthcare facilities Improved infrastructure and public services Social amenities and entertainment options

What is one of the primary factors that draws people from rural areas to urban area?

Economic opportunities, such as better-paying jobs, access to education, and a wider range of services, are primary factors that draw people from rural areas to urban areas.

What are some rural push factors?

Some rural push factors include lack of job opportunities, limited access to healthcare and education, inadequate infrastructure and services, and natural disasters or environmental concerns. These factors contribute to people leaving rural areas in search of better opportunities and quality of life in urban areas.

What is it called when people move from rural areas to cities?

Rural-Urban migration. This is normally due to push factors ( things that cause people to move eg. less services available) and pull factors ( things that attract people eg. more job opportunity's)

What is urban pull and rural push within a population?

It is important to note that,population continues to decrease in rural areas and increase in urban areas.This is attributed to certain factors that are pushing people out of rural areas and pulling them to the urban centers. Urban pull are said to be things that attracts people to move to the urban centers.This factors includes the following: better job opportunities,better living conditions, education, better medical care,security,industry and better chances of marrying among other factors. whereas rural pull are things that makes people to move away from where one lives.These factors includes the following:Slave trade, trafficking in human beings, not enough jobs, desertification,few opportunities,primitive conditions and famine and drought.

What was mass movement of the people to the cities was called?

it is urbanization mass movement of people from rural area to develop area is one of the contribution factors of disaster. discuss this statement

What are the factors of rural development in tanzania?

The need of electricity, fighting the poverty level and the need of clean water are the factors that affect rural development in Tanzania.

What does rural Urban migration mean?

People moving from rural (villages) areas of the country into cities. :)

What is the mass movement of people to the cities?

it is urbanization mass movement of people from rural area to develop area is one of the contribution factors of disaster. discuss this statement

What factors influencing rural settlement?

Factors influencing rural settlement include availability of natural resources, topography of the land, climate, transportation networks, economic opportunities (such as agriculture or industry), government policies, and cultural or social factors. These elements can all impact the location and growth of rural settlements.

What shaold be the plan to open a bank branch in rural area?

What are the considering factors to open a rural branch of a bank?

What is urban to rural migration?

Urban to rural migration refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas. This migration trend can be influenced by factors such as seeking a quieter lifestyle, lower cost of living, or better job opportunities in rural settings.