Theft by TakingTaking or appropriating the property of another with the intention of depriving the owner of the property.$500 or less is misdemeanor offenseOver $500 is felony offense
The charges for the first time offense of UNDER $ 150 retail theft in Illinois is Class A misdemeanor. The second time Class 4 Felony. Over $150 for a retail theft is a class 4 felony, even for the first time. However, if the theft is not from a retail store, then under $300 is still a misdemeanor. Over $300 it becomes a felony. See related links below.
i have been charged with theft by taking ( a felony) in the state of georgia. my court date is 9-14-09 i am a first offender the amount i took was alomost 40k. i am wanting to know what to expect at the court date and wondering if i will do jail time for this. someone said this could be a federal offense and i am scared. please let me know!!
The word "grand" tells the tale - it is a felony offense. If it was a misdemeanor, it would be "petit" theft. It is the dollar amount of the stolen item(s) that makes the difference, and that is set by the wording of the statute.
Theft by deception can be a felony offense. Theft by deception is when a person uses deception to get free services or property of another. Theft by deception is not the same thing as unintentionally writing a check for something and not having enough in the account to cover it.
Possiby - $1,000. would rise to the level of a felony crime. It can depend on the nature of the offense, but not everyone gets a free bite at the apple.
This question depends on where you are going to court. Minimums are set by state or local law.Added: The MINIMUM jail time for a felony offense is more than one year plus one day in jail. However: The terminology "felony petty theft" in an oxymoron. If it is Petty (Petit) Theft, by definition, it would be a misdemeanor offense, NOT a felony, and punishable by jail not to exceed one year.
The offense is Larceny, either a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the value of the dog.
The operative word is GRAND theft. This signifies it is a felony offense. If it was not, it would be called PETITtheft. The questioner did not include their state. Unable to determine which state's Code he is referring to.
For a first time offense of theft in Texas, the fine incurred can be up to 10,000. Theft in Texas also has a mandatory jail sentence depending upon the degree of theft.
Any crime for which the statutory penalty is one year or more in prison is a felony offense.
A felony offense: Three years.