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Under English law there is no bar on the marriage of cousins.

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16y ago
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15y ago

If a two cousins want to get married in the country of England , it may be legal today and at these times , but the problem is people would very much look down on this family.

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13y ago

Yes, in 20 of US states, marriage of first cousins is legal.

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10y ago

It depends on the country or jurisdiction. In most cases there would be no law about it, but a few places would prevent it.

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The two would be first cousins. First cousin marriage is legal in many jurisdictions. You need to check the law in your particular jurisdiction. You could inquire at the office where marriage licenses are issued.

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No, first cousins can not marry in Texas.

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The children of your uncle are your first cousins. The children of your first cousins are you first cousins once removed. Thus the grandchildren of your uncle are first cousins once removed. The related link I will make below explains how all this works.

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If you date your fifth cousin is that insest?

No. Most states prevent marriage or sexual activity between you and your first cousin, aunt / uncle, parent, step-parent, grandparents, great aunts and uncles. Cousins more distant than first cousins are perfectly acceptable in the law in the United States and nearly everywhere in the world. First cousin marriage is acceptable in a number of states, Colorado for example. Most people have no idea who their fifth cousins are unless they have done some serious genealogy.

In NJ is it legal to marry a relative?

In New Jersey, as in most states, it is legal to marry some relatives, but not others. New Jersey marriage law (Title 37 New Jersey Permanent Statutes) forbids marriage with your children, parents, grandparents, grandshildren, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Some states also forbid marriage with a first cousin, but New Jersey does not. First cousins, once removed, and more distant relatives, such as second cousins, can marry.

What would you call your cousin-in law's children?

The English language has not special name for the cousins of your spouse. You could just call them by their first names like you would your friends. If you really like them, you could decide to call them your cousins.

What relationship is your brother-in-law's daughter to your nephew?

If your brother-in-law is the husband of your sister, presumably his daughter is your sister's daughter, too. Then his daughter and your nephew are either brother and sister or first cousins. If the daughter is not your sister's daughter, but the child of a previous marriage, then she is could be the half-sister of your nephew or not related to your nephew at all. If your brother-in-law is the brother of your spouse, then his daughter is your niece and your niece and your nephew are either siblings, first cousins, or not related at all, depending on how your nephew is related to you.