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Not really enough info given to answer question. Are you employed in a "right-to-work" state? Are you covered under a union agreement? Are you employed under a contract with your employer?

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Q: Employer refused employee a termination letter iant that illegal?
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Can an employer rescind a raise?

The raise of an at will employee can be rescinded. If there is a contractural arrangement, you may offer a salary of less money. Notify employee prior to the end of the contract year to give the emoployee a chanced to look for other work if and when offer is refused.

Does an employee have the right to refuse to sign a write-up from the employer?

Probably, but you should check with the policies and procedures that are in place. One problem is that the employer will place the write-up in your file with an indication that you refused to sign. Another option will be to write a response to the employer, and ask to have your response placed in your file as well. Your employer will probably be ok honoring your request.

What does it mean when an employee is acused of insubordination?

Insubordination can be a broad term, but typically it means the employee failed to or refused to do something in his job description or as he was directed to do.

Why was Julius Caesar declared an enemy of the State by the Roman Senate?

Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.Caesar was declared an enemy of the state by the senate because he refused to disband his army and return to Rome to be tried for illegal acts during his consulship.

What did King George do about the petition?

He refused it, because he didn't acknowledge the " illegal" congress

How do you use insubordinate in a sentence?

The employee was insubordinate when they refused to follow their manager's instructions.

Who is authorised to sign the the pf withdrawal form if the employer refused to do so?

Please make clear what you are asking and I will be glad to try to assist you with your question.

Can a mother file for the biological father's termination of rights to her child if he has refused to be involved in the child's life?

Yes. She can petition to terminate the father's parental rights. The court will render a decision after reviewing the evidence presented.

How do you use intransigent in a sentence?

The intransigence of the local leaders made negotiation difficult.

Can an illegal immigrant get married in belgium?

In theory yes I think. In reality it will be refused because there will be an investigation if it is a real marriage of love or a marriage to get papers.

Can you refuse a demotion in new york state and collect unemployment?

Unless there are some special circumstances, if you are fired because you refused to accept a new position, then no you cannot collect unemployment. By refusing you gave your employer just cause to let you go. It is not the same as if you were laid off because of downsizing. In New York, you are what is considered an "At Will" employee. That means that an employer doesn't need at reason to let you go but in this case you would have given them one. Take the demotion (and i assume lesser pay) and start your hunt for a new job. At least this way you'll have money coming in.

Is it legal for a man's job to penalize him for taking his wife to the maternity doctor?

In Britain it would depend on the circumstances, but basically any employer who refused such a request would have to have very strong reasons. Permission would be very unlikely to be refused. Taking time ooff without asking permission is another matter.