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Yes, the Armenians were subject to genocide by the Ottoman Turkish government. About 1.2 million Armenians were slaughtered in 1915-1917.

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Q: During World War 1 what group of people were victims of genocide?
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Related questions

Who were the victims of attempted genocide?

The Jews were the victims of attempted genocide during the Holocaust. Today, there are a number of ethnic groups that are the victims of attempted genocide including the Armenians and Rwandan people.

During world war 1 who were victims of genocide?

The Armenians.

Who was a genocide during world war 2?

The Jewish people were subjected to genocide by the Nazi regime under Hitler .

What country was denounced for its participation in the genocide of the Armenian people during World War 1?


Who committed the genocide and who are the victims?

Hundreds of cases of genocide have occurred throughout history in every part of the world. A larger list and further detail of them can be found at the related links.

Who attempted genocide during world war 2 does geocide occur anywhere in world today if yes where?

Adolf Hitler attempted antisemitic (hatred for Jewish people) genocide, where he attempted to kill off all of the Jewish people during the 2nd world war. And yes, it happens all the time, unfortunately.

Why a lot of people died during World War 2?

Because of Hitler and Joseph Stalin's genocide in wwII.

Who attemped genocide during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis committed genocide during WW2, against the Jews.

Were the victims of the Rwanda genocide apologized to?

Pretty hard to apologize to somebody who is dead...but the man responsible for the 1994 genocide is undergoing war crimes prosecution by the United Nations and World Court.

Why did world leaders ignore hitler's genocide against the jews during the war-?

World leaders ignored Hitler's genocide against the Jews during the war because of the position of Pope Pius XII.

How has genocide cause a effect to the world?

Part of the Genocide was "Sterilizing" people, which realy meant that the Nazis where making it impossible for people to have or make babies. this effected the world because now there areless people in the world to do great things.

What is the holouscost?

The correct term is "Holocaust." It refers to the systematic genocide of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War II, as well as the persecution and murder of millions of other victims, including Romani people, disabled individuals, LGBTQ individuals, and others. It is one of the darkest chapters in human history.