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It is unknown whether Yeti's are real or not. There are 'sightings' but they are not confirmed to be a real Yeti. Even if there was/is, it would probably just be an over-sized monkey with white fur, or a mountain gorilla of such.

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Q: Does yeti exist
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Do yeti really exist in Himalayas?

No-one has ever proved that Yeti exist, so the answer has to be NO.

Is a yeti a mammal?

Yeti are not proven to exist, but if they did they would likely be mammals.

What is a young yeti called?

Since a Yeti has not been proven to exist, there is no scientific name for it and it's offspring would also be called a Yeti.

Is the yeti deadly?

The yeti has not yet been proven to exist, so tales of its ferocity may be highly exaggerated.

What is the breed for a yeti?

Since this doesn't exist, there is no scientific identification.

Did yeti's exist?

No human has ever lived that long to know.

Was there yeti in the world?

Yes there was a yeti in the world its considerd a rare and humanoid creature. Siantests are studdieng its DNA to know if they acully do exist.

Did yeti's ever exist?

No human has ever lived that long to know.

Can you kill a yeti?

if yeti's exist they can probably kill you ree ree

Who was the 1st person to spot a yeti?

Well, sense yetis dont exist, no one

Why is yeti such a mystery?

Yeti is a mystery because it is a creature that we're not 100% sure on, whether it exists or not. Yeti are said to live in areas with a cold climate and some mountains. I'm not sure whether they exist or not, that's most likely why it is such a mystery today.

Does the scientist suspect that the yeyi live in the ice age?

Most scientists believe the Yeti doesn't exist so not many people are researching the Yeti but yes the Yeti could survive an ice age because, it is specially adapted for cold climates like The Himalayas.