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Legal Separation and Divorce are two different entities. The amount of time that you are legally separated from your spouse does not necessarily affect the divorce proceeding in the sense that you are not divorced after a certain amount of time being separated but it can help with the separation of assets. By this I mean that during the time you are legally separated that is when the economic community ends.

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Q: Does time of separation affect a divorce?
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How long can your be separated before it mean your divorced?

There is no length of time that a separation turns into a divorce. You are legally married until you obtain a divorce through the courts.There is no length of time that a separation turns into a divorce. You are legally married until you obtain a divorce through the courts.There is no length of time that a separation turns into a divorce. You are legally married until you obtain a divorce through the courts.There is no length of time that a separation turns into a divorce. You are legally married until you obtain a divorce through the courts.

Is there a mandatory separation time after filing for divorce in CO?

No. There is no mandatory separation time in Colorado.

Is there a time period of separation before a divorce can be filed in Australia?

12 months after a "legal seperation", a divorce can be proceeded with.

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There is no minimum time requirement for separation before a divorce. Legal residents of the state of Oklahoma can file for a divorce at any time.

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You can apply for divorce in Barbados after one year of separation.

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As soon as you realize reconciliation is not an option.

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If you are legally separated for more than five years in California can you get married?

No, you need to get a divorce. Separation is NOT a divorce and the time you are separated has NOTHING to do with it.

Is there a mandatory separation time before divorce in NJ?

1yr living in separate houses

Can you remarry if separated for 10 years and you lost track of the person you are married to?

No. In the United States and other Western cultures you can only be married to one person at a time. You must obtain a divorce. Separation for any length of time does not dissolve a marriage.No. In the United States and other Western cultures you can only be married to one person at a time. You must obtain a divorce. Separation for any length of time does not dissolve a marriage.No. In the United States and other Western cultures you can only be married to one person at a time. You must obtain a divorce. Separation for any length of time does not dissolve a marriage.No. In the United States and other Western cultures you can only be married to one person at a time. You must obtain a divorce. Separation for any length of time does not dissolve a marriage.

I have a Legal separation now I want a divorce?

Legal separation is to the same thing as divorce and is not always a prerequisite to a obtaining a dissolution of marriage (i.e. divorce). Although many of the issues (such as alimony, child support, etc) that would traditionally be dealt with in a divorce were done in your legal separation, you still need to go through the divorce process, starting with filing for divorce. At no point, no matter how long you have been separated, will a legal separation turn into a divorce.

Is legal separation cheaper than divorce?

As you have four children it is better to get a divorce once and for all, then a legal separation. It will solve you problems later on.