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Q: Does the temperature of a child increase with the growth of the child?
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Does a child's temperature increase with growth?

no it do not change

What is the dependent variable of what effect does high temperature have on the growth of apples?

if the temperature increased, then the radish germination will increase

How does temperature affect the growth and yield of crops?

When annual temperatures increase sharply above the ideal crop temperature, it can cause a decrease in a crop's yield. Likewise, other factors like an increase in carbon dioxide levels can cause an increase in the growth of crops.

How can you determine if a child's growth has stopped?

A child's growth can be determined to have stopped if their height measurements consistently do not increase over a period of time, typically after puberty when growth plates in the bones close. Consulting a healthcare provider and monitoring growth patterns over time can help determine if growth has stopped.

How do you increase height of 13 years child if he is 150 cm?

A child who is not growing at the normal rate might benefit from human growth hormone, which can be prescribed by a doctor.

Milk make a child taller?

Milk helps to promote bone growth, which in turn can cause a person to increase in high.

Does temperature affect the growth of plants in wetlands?

Yes, temperature can affect the growth of plants in wetlands. Warmer temperatures can increase the rate of growth in some plants, while extreme temperatures can stress plants and inhibit growth. Different plant species have specific temperature requirements for optimal growth in wetland environments.

What is the meaning of child's growth?

The growth and development of a child.

What are the examples of growth and development and child development in psychology?

Examples of growth and development in child psychology include physical growth (such as height and weight increase), cognitive development (such as language acquisition and problem-solving skills), social development (such as forming attachments and developing friendships), and emotional development (such as recognizing and regulating emotions). Each of these areas plays a crucial role in a child's overall development and well-being.

How can a child who has reached the onset of puberty be distinguished?

In boys, there is some growth of facial hair. Also in girls and boys, there is quick increase in height.

What growth temperature is the temperature at which an organism exhibits the highest growth rate?

The growth temperature is the temperature at which an organism exhibits its highest growth rate. Each organism has an optimal growth temperature range where it grows best, with temperatures outside this range resulting in lower growth rates.

Why does temperature vary with height?

As temperature increase pressure will increase