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You will have to read the laws for your jurisdiction. There is a great deal of variance, so without knowing the specific jurisdiction and the crime it can't be answered.

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Q: Does the statute of limitation expire from date act was committed or found out?
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What is the statute of limitation on felony gun charges- pulled over- a gun found in car?

If you are a convicted felon and were found with a gun in your car there is no statute of limitations on this offense. This offense will apply to you for the remainder of your life.

Is there a statute of limitations in Idaho for a civil warrant for failure to appear?

Warrants do not have any time limitation. You will be arrested anytime you are found.

What is the statute of limitation for deportation because of an aggravated felony?

there is'nt if you're here illegally ,when you're found you will be tried in a court of law and sentenced accordingly

Is there a list that you can find for statute of limitation crimes in Washington state?

Certainly there is a list for Washington. For criminal actions it can be found in 9A.04.080 of the Washington Criminal Code.

Is there a statute of limitation for old class C felony fines that are unpaid?

There typically isn't going to be one. You were found guilty and charged, the court ordered you to pay and you haven't. They could issue a bench warrant.

Is there another slang term for Statute of limitations?

Statute of limitations is sometimes called, SL or SOL for short. Statutes of limitation are laws setting time limits for legal action. The clock starts to run on the date an offense was committed, not from when the crime was found out or the accused identified.Most US States have a statute of limitation for all crimes but murder. Once the statute has expired, however, a prosecutor still may file charges. When this happens the defendant must plead the statute of limitations defense before the court when answering the plaintiff's complaint. If the defendant does not do so, they are regarded as having waived the defense and cannot use it in any subsequent proceeding.Crimes are viewed as being against all of society, not only the obvious victim. So only a prosecutor can file or dismiss charges, not the victim who files the complaint. This also means a defendant cannot pressure their victim into dropping charges.Statutes of limitation date back to early Roman law, around 700 BC. They apply to both civil and criminal actions, and are designed to prevent claims from arising after the evidence has been lost, or time has distorted facts, or witnesses have died or disappeared.

What is statute of limitation in Georgia on medical malpractice suit?

Georgia has set the statute of limitations for filing a suit at 2 years for medical malpractice. That will be from the time of the injury or when it was discovered. There can be situations that will toll it for a longer period.

What is the statute of limitations on felony probation in California?

There is no statute of limitation. If you were sentenced to felony PROBATION that means you have ALREADY been found guilty of a felony crime. If you are violating your probation, you are either in some kind of contempt of court or possibly, (if you've absconded), a fugitive from justice. Worst case scenario - when apprehended you will be remanded to jail to possibly spend the remainder of your sentence behind bars.

What is to law for statute of limitation for probation violation in Arizona?

Probation is a sentence for having been found guilty. If you have failed to complete your sentence it means that you haven't served your entire time and if you are evading your PO or the police you have absconded and are a fugitive. If you have a warrant out for you for probation violation, it means that you it won't go away.

What is the statute of limitations on filing hail damage in Michigan thru State Farm ins?

The limitation is going to be found in the policy. It is not part of the law, it is part of your contract, though the law may set a minimum amount of time to file a claim, the contract will specify.

Is there a time limit to obtain an indictment after arrest?

The statute of limitations in criminal law applies to the date of the criminal incident not to the formal listing of charges which is called an indictment. Sometimes a person is indicted and then parts of the indictment are dismissed for statue of limitations problems while other charges remain. Sometimes the entire indictment will be dismissed for statue of limitation problems. Statue of limitation problems in criminal law are case specific and can be quite technical. If you expect to be indicted, you are going to have to have an attorney examine the issues.

What is the statute of limitation for horse theft in Texas?

I found the following regarding statues in Texas:Art. 12.02. [181] [229] [219] MISDEMEANORS. An indictmentor information for any misdemeanor may be presented within twoyears from the date of the commission of the offense, and notafterward.