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In UK child support law, the PWC's income makes no difference for applications made under the new rules. The old rules did make a consideration but the NRP's income would have to be significantly lower than the PWC to make a difference to the regular payments.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Yes the father would still have to pay child support if he did not have custody of the child and the mother did not work.

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Yes, income is not an excuse for a non-custodial parent.

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13y ago

Wow that's a dumb question its called child support not spousal support

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One parent can not take the other parents rights away. The parent has to relinquish their own rights.

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Q: Does the mother have to pay child support if she does not make enough money?
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In Arkansas does the back child support go away if the mother dies?

No. The money isn't for the mother. The money is for supporting the child. Back child support belongs to the estate of the deceased and will eventually benefit the child. And even if the child should die, the back child support does not go away.

Can a mother get child support payments while she is in jail?

If she is in jail she can not have custody so no, she will not get money for a child she does not have custody of. That money goes to the child's legal guardian.

If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

What happens if a second child is born in china and parents don't have enough money to pay child support?

A child is abandonded or killed

I'm 16 and my mother receives child support for me how can I get that child support check put in my name?

I'm pretty sure you can't get the money until you're 18

Can you get into trouble if your paying child support for a child and you live with the person your paying the child support to?

No, as long as the money paid is going to the house where the child lives then you can not get into trouble at all. However, if the child and her mother are receiving any form of state assistance you and the mother could get into trouble for committing fraud.

Your wife's mother died but her father owes a lot of money in child support how she get the arrears he is about to get a lot of money?

You should consult an attorney to discuss your options and whether a child can sue for back child support in your state. There may be a statute of limitations.

How is child support figured for unmarried parents if the father has no work and the mother is still studying?

That is up to the child's parents to figure out. The father can do yard work and odd jobs to earn money to support his child. The mother can find part time jobs outside of school hours and they both can share child care.That is up to the child's parents to figure out. The father can do yard work and odd jobs to earn money to support his child. The mother can find part time jobs outside of school hours and they both can share child care.That is up to the child's parents to figure out. The father can do yard work and odd jobs to earn money to support his child. The mother can find part time jobs outside of school hours and they both can share child care.That is up to the child's parents to figure out. The father can do yard work and odd jobs to earn money to support his child. The mother can find part time jobs outside of school hours and they both can share child care.

If a man cannot pay child support can the ex-wife go after his mother or other family member for the money?

The Child Support Agency sends a form to the mother asking for details about the child's father, it is compulsory for the mother to give these details. It is also compulsory for the father to pay to support their child, I am not sure if there is a way around it. I am quite sure they don't ask any other relatives.

What is best way to get child support to the mother if mother has stopped child from seeing father?

Pay your child support through either the courts or the State disbursement unit. DO NOT give any money or anything else to the obligee unless you want it to be considered a gift.

Can the mother of a grown child receive inheritance money for back child support after 23 years?

no! if the child is still living in the house or if the child is under 18 then yes. take that person to court and get your money! otherwise, NO!

What if your wife's mother past away and her father owes a lot of money in child support can your wife get this money?

The back child support is still a debt. The estate should make a claim against the father. The money is still owed to the mother. Whether your wife receives any of it will depend on the estate and what bills are owed.