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If a person on a witness stand is being questioned about liability for an act that he did not personally take part in, no. If he is being held accountable for it then yes.

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Q: Does the fifth amendment right not to testify apply to Corporations?
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Which amendment says that people don't have to testify agains themselves?

The Fifth amendment. "To plead the fifth"

What would happen if the fifth amendment wasn't protected?

With no Fifth Amendment you could be required to testify against yourself in court.

Under which amendment are defendants not required to testify on their own behalf?

The fifth amendment protects you against testifying against yourself.

What is the purpose of the 5 amendment?

The fifth amendment merely states that you don't have to testify against yourself or someone else if you don't want to. "I plead the fifth."

What does pleeding the fifth mean?

Actually it has nothing to do with math. "pleading your fifth" means that you are pleading your fifth amendment which states that you cannot be forced to testify against yourself. So if you are pleading your fifth, you are actually using your fifth amendment right.

What is the definition of waiving the fifth?

When you testify on your own defense. You have the right not to testify under the 5th amendment. The Fifth Amendment protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves. To "plead the Fifth" or to "take the fifth" is a refusal to answer a question because the response could form self incriminating evidence.

When does the 5th amendment apply -Basically I was busted at a bar underage but the charges were dropped soon after. I now received a subponea to testify against the bar. Can I use the 5th amendment?

No. The Fifth amendment applies to giving testimony against yourself. Since the charges against you were dropped, you have no protection against self-incrimination. You are now simply a witness to the events in or at the bar and can be forced to testify.

Can a person be made to testify on a domestic charge against their will on a civil case?

You would have to appear in court if summoned. You can plead the Fifth Amendment if asked to testify.

What amendment says a person has the right to testify against himself?

NO amendment says a person has the right to testify against himself (which is true), but there is one that says the opposite.The Fifth Amendment, part of the Bill of Rights, says that no citizen can be forced to testify against themselvesi.e. you have the right to NOT testify against yourself.In popular culture, "taking the Fifth" means "invoking your right against self-incrimination."

A sentence with incriminate?

I refuse to testify on the grounds that it might incriminate me - taken from the fifth amendment to the american constitution.

Can a witness take the fifth amendment if they have been prosecuted criminally?

Yes, in fact the fifth amendment only applies to the court system. Unless you take the stand (in which you waive your fifth amendment right) you can not be called to testify. If you've waived that right you don't get it back during that hearing.

How does the fifth amendment affect the society today?

The Fifth Amendment projects each citizen of the US from being forced to testify against himself; it also allows him to procure a lawyer and defend himself in court.