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Yes. The division of federal and state powers is outlined in the Constitution.

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Q: Does the federal government derive its power to govern from the US Constitution?
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What was alexanders views on how the constitution should be interpreted?

Hamilton believed that the federal government could do as they needed to govern the country. He believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

What was Alexander Hamilton's views on how the Constitution should be interpreted?

Hamilton believed that the federal government could do as they needed to govern the country. He believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

Is government best when it does not govern?

The government has to govern. It is what is it there to do, but the least it puts restrictions on the citizens and the more it follows the Constitution, the better.

Does the federal govenment's authority to govern economic matters flow from the commerce clause?

It is true that the national government's power to govern economic affairs stems from the Commerce Clause. The clause is found in Article I of the U.S. Constitution.

Who mat set up lower federal courts?

the constitution

Who had to share the power to govern under the federal system?

The national government and the state government.

Is Alexander Hamilton a federlist?

Yes, Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant that he was in favor of a strong federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Government had little power over the states, something that was a big problem. Hamilton favored a new document to govern the country, and therefore supported the ratification of the Constitution. Under the Constitution, the Federal government would have the power to issue money, and regulate trade and taxes.

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How did the constitution gave the new federal government increased powers that allowed it to effectively govern the entire nation?

bro, just look in your textbook. yeah, i know your in the Civics In Practice textbook.

Can you give me a sentence using the word govern?

The states wanted to be soverign and to govern themselves without interference from the federal government.

Who had to share power to govern under the federal system?

The National And The State Government