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Q: Does the father have to pay child support until age ninteen in Alabama?
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If a married man father a child outside his marriage can his wife be ordered to pay his child support in Alabama?

It isn't his wives child.

In Alabama does a father still have to pay child support if he gives up his parental rights?

Yes, until/unless the child is adopted.

Can an adult child get unpaid child support in Alabama?

No, child support is not paid to the child but to the parent raising the child.

In Alabama does the parent still have to pay child support if the minor has a baby?

i live in child is 18 and she just had ababy do i still have to pay child support do i pay child support for my child who has a baby

Can you get child support if the father is incarcerated?

Can you get child support inArkansasif their father is incarcerated

Is jeph howard a father?

He became the father of Taige Howard at ninteen, though he is not allowed to see his daughter due to the child's mother's requests. She would be about twelve at this time.

How Can you fight child support as the paying father?

If you are the child's father then you really have little legal support to not support your child. Your child is legally entitled to your financial support.

Can a child get child support from biological father and have your new partners name what can you do?

A child does not have to have the same last name as the biological father to receive child support from that father.

Does the father have to pay child support or child care for an autistic child if the father is on SSI?

No. SSI recipients are not liable for child support.

Does relinquishing parental rights stop child support in Alabama?

If you relinquish your parental rights, you are still not going to get child support payments. The child support is for the child.

Can a step father adopt a child without the biological father's concent in Alabama?


Can you be sued for child support from your X girlfriend while she is receiving child support from the child's father?

Until/unless you are determined to be the child's father, no.