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The family or the next kiln of the person.

Investegators or police

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Q: Does the family have the right to request an autopsy?
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How do you request an autopsy?

You ask an autopsier to do an autopsy

Who pay for an autopsy?

the family pays for the autopsy

How do you request an autopsy in California?

A person can request that an autopsy be performed in the state of California. There is a deposit must be paid beforehand to cover any costs that may be required.

Does California law require an autopsy if the death is in a teaching hospital?

An autopsy is not required when a person has been under physicians care in a medical facility at the time of death. The exceptions would be, if the cause of death cannot be determined or if there is reason to believe negligence or a criminal act (such as assisted suicide) is involved. Immediate family members have the legal right to request an autopsy if they so choose whether the attending physician is in agreement or not.

As a sister do you have the right to receive information regarding your sisters autopsy report and toxicology report?

Since you are her family, yes you do.

Can a person who has durable power for health care stop a family's request for autopsy?

No. Your authority ended with the death of the principal unless the principal specifically gave you the authority to make after-death arrangements.

Who pays for autopsies?

the family pays for the autopsy

Do life insurance policies require an autopsy or other exams at time of death?

Not usually. However, if there is any suspicion surrounding the death, the policy may not be paid before completion of an autopsy. The life insurance policy should state whether or not the company can request an autopsy.

How do you send a friend and family request on Facebook?

u go to there profiles and add them in the top right hands corner

Who examine your body after you die?

A family doctor, a legal medicine doctor, a specialist in autopsy.

Does Texas law require an autopsy?

Autopsies are not generally "required" in any state by law. However, the autopsy is a tool the Medical Examiner uses to determine the cause of Death: Homicide. Accidental. Natural Causes. This way the police have more information on the victim to best bring justice to the family. Now, an autopsy is sometimes "requested" by a Life Insurance Provider before the release of any benefits. Also, the victims family can "request" an auotopsy not be performed because of religious reasons. However, an autopsy is not always needed if the person died from a diagnosed terminal illness, and has been in the care of a physician. In any case whether autopsies is performed or not performed is ususally up to the family.

What are reasons for performing an autopsy?

To determine the cause of death... this is done occasionally at the request of the family member, but mostly autopsies are performed on murder victims. Also suicide victims... anything where foul play is suspected. Medical students also do autopsies sometimes to learn the art.