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No. You can check the laws of intestacy for your state at the related question link provided below.

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Q: Does the eldest surviving relative get a persons belongings if there is no will?
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Jahangir was the eldest surviving son of Akbar the Great. According to their tradition, eldest son will succeed a monarch. He ascended the throne after the death of Akbar in 1605.

How old were Mozart's sons when he died?

His eldest surviving son, Karl Thomas Mozart, was seven years of age, and his you gest surviving son was six months when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died.

Who is the next of kin of an aunt who has no surviving husband parents or siblings or children but does have nephews and nieces from now deceased sisters?

The nephews and nieces have equal standing under the law. However, if one wishes to speak of royal precedent, then the deceased's eldest sister's eldest son, and if she had no son, then the eldest son of the oldest sister who did have sons.

Who are the eldest persons to become famous actor or actresses?

Best example is actress from Titanic that played Rose-I forget her name

When a parent dies without making a will is money divided between children or does it go to eldest child or son?

Assuming there is no other surviving parent, it will be divided among the children and issue of any predeceased children. The eldest son does not inherit to the exclusion of the other children.

If a husband dies is the wife the next of kin or oldest son?

Generally, for the purpose of making funeral arrangements and petitioning for probate: In the United States and most Western countries a surviving spouse has the legal right to make decisions as the next of kin. In the Unites States and most Western countries when a parent dies leaving no surviving spouse, all his children are his next of kin NOT only the eldest son. Primogeniture, or the right of the eldest son to inherit, is obsolete. It has been relegated to history where it belongs. In patriarchal cultures in the Middle East most favor a son or male relative. For inheritance laws you can check the laws of intestacy for your state at the related question link provided below.

Thank you note for dinner after a funeral?

Often there are teas after a funeral more than there are dinners and there is no need to send a Thank You note. The person who has had the dinner of their loved passing is doing so to thank the family and friends for attending the funeral and honoring their loved one.

Was Shakespeare's Romeo the eldest son?

In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is the sole heir to the Montague fortune. This means that he must be the only surviving son (the play suggests that he is the Montagues' only living child). We do not know if Romeo was the eldest son, but we do know that he is the only one who is still alive.