They are referred to as "diamond-shaped". Geometrically, however, most US traffic warning signs are actually squares that have been rotated 45 degrees from horizontal, rather than diamonds, which have no right angles.
Many warning signs are also rectangular, such as a yellow sign with a black arrow indicating which way the road goes, or a black chevron indicating a curve.
A yield or give way sign is typically in the shape of a triangle. However, they may be circular. You do need to check for your particular region as mentioned below. See link.
a triangle
I'm pretty positive Diamond shapes signs are warning signs.
Warning signs are usually a diamond shape. The color of the sign is yellow in order to caution drivers about an intersection ahead, bicyclists or wildlife that may be near the road.
WHAT icons? If you are referring to the SHAPE of the signs themselves, the shape of the sign itself signifies the type of information the sign conveys. (e.g.: Octagaonal signs are ALWAYS stop signs - Diamond-shape signs ALWAYS convey some type of warning message - etc).
US standard traffic warning signs are yellow background with black symbols or letters. Traffic warning signs in other countries are generally white or yellow background with a red or black border in a triangular shape. Industrial warning signs are various colors, including OSHA and ANZI standards with orange background and black lettering. A yellow OSHA or ANZI sign would mean "caution" not "warning".
there are no warning signs
Green signs are not warning signs. They are signs that tell you it is "safe" to do something.
It depends on what warning signs that you are interested in. Many sites offer guides on how to spot the warning signs for illnesses etc. If it is to do with motoring check the highway site for details.
Early warning signs of storms and precautions
There are many warning signs of pregnancy. Some warning signs include tingling nipples, spotting, cramping, morning sickness, swollen breasts, a missed period, and/or darkened nipples.
Warning signs are usually a sign that something will be or has the possibility of occurring. They are also called symptoms when dealing with sickness.