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Yes. That would be a counter-suit or a counter-claim.

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Q: Does plaintiffs can be sued after the case he filled from the accused?
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Does the plaintiffs can be sued after the case was dismiss by settlement?

no the plaintiff can not be sued after the case was dissmised by settalment

What is respondent in a federal court?

The respondent is the person or group accused or sued.

What is the person being sued called in a civil case?

A person charged with a crime is being brought to the CRIMINAL courts by the state. If convicted that person may be fined or sent to prison. A person being sued is being brought to the CIVIL courts by another legal person. The side which loses the case will have to pay costs and perhaps make restitution to the person who wins.

Who is the defendant in a court case?

the defendant is the person who is found guilty or not guilty of the crime commited.

Did mark zuckerberg got sued?

Yes he did. He was sued for being accused of stealing an idea from a pair of twins and for trying to cut his friend out of his company.

Who is the respondent in a civil case?

The term "respondant" usually refers to a person in a civil court trial against whom the legal action is initiated. In a criminal case, a 'respondant' would be referred to as the 'defendant.'

Who can be sued in a dram shop case?

the seller can be sued by the individual if they were injured

Who are the litigants of a court case?

The litigants of a court case are the individuals or parties involved in a legal dispute, typically referred to as the plaintiff (the party bringing the case) and the defendant (the party being sued). In some cases, there may be multiple plaintiffs and defendants.

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What is the symbol for defendant?

The symbol for a defendant in legal documents is typically "D" or "Def." This symbol is used to represent the party who is being accused or sued in a court case.

What are the similarities of victims and deffendants?

A victim is the person that the crime is committed to and the defendant is a person that is being sued or accused of something

Who sued who in the Georiga vs Randolph case?

Randolph sued the state of Georgia for unwarranted search of his house.