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If you are a biologic daughter then yes you have a right to your fathers inheritants.

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Q: Does i have right to my father inheritant?
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No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.

Can a Hindu married women have a right in her Hindu father's propety when her father is alive?

It depends greatly on what country this scenario is taking place in.IN India if the property of not made by her father and inherited from ancestors than she definitely have a right although her father alivebut if the father made the property then she has no right if her father doesn't want give right to her voluntarily.

Which one is right What is your father's name or What is your father name?

"What is your father's name" is the correct way to say it.

Does a father have a right to a child if he is not the birth father?

No unless he adopted the child no

What rights will a father have if a DNA proves he is the father?

The right to petition the courts for the right to see and support his child.

What are the release dates for Right in Front of Father - 1910?

Right in Front of Father - 1910 was released on: USA: 17 November 1910

Does have right to there father estate?

The imidiate family has the right to their fathers estate.

When was God the father born?

The father the son and the holy ghost are ageless , they were there right from the start.

When was Gods Father born?

The father the son and the holy ghost are ageless , they were there right from the start.

Do you have the right to find your father and confront him after 40 years?

Well of course you do.It is your father right??His DNA is in you.So why wouldn't you have a right?I say go for it.You might be surprised at what you learn.