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Custody is a separate issue from money. Child support payments are about money. Custody is about who raises a child, who is in charge of that child and with whom does that child live.

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HELP Can a mother get full custody after she abandons her 3 disabled children they were left in a trailor with no lights spoiled food and no furniture can she get full custody?

she shouldn't get custody at all, she belongs in jail, and the children belong in more capable hands

If legal and physical custody was granted to the mother is that the same as full physical and full legal custody?

Yes. Legal and physical custody granted to the mother means full, sole legal and physical custody.

What is full custody?

when you're in full custody someone has control over you. Like the police when they have custody over you they have captured you and you're in their control.

If you have possessory custody. How can you get full custody?

You file a motion with the court.

Can you go on vacation out of the country with your daughter if you have full custody?

yes if you have full custody you dont have to consult your ex.

Do you have to have full legal custody to sign over rights?

yes you do have to have full legal rights to sign over custody.

You now have full custody of your child and receive no support. How do you get your garnished tax return for back child support applied to what the mother owes?

You can't. If there has been a change in the custody order you are still responsible for any arrears incurred while the other parent had legal custody. Your garnishment will not be returned to you since it was imposed for money you owed. You owe those arrears until they are paid in full regardless of the change in custody.

Can a father in wi. get temporary full custody if mother is homeless?

Can a father in wi. get temporary full custody if mother is homeless?

Judge granted us temporary custody when can we petition for full custody in Kentucky?

That's the common tactic in order to go for full custody, but hopefully the judge will order bird nest custody. see link below

My sister is 15 and had a baby with her boyfriend They live in separate houses does my sister have full custody and if they are still dating can the dad get partial custody?

As it appears to me that both are minors , and as your sister is only 15 years of age , and a minor so there is no chance of her earning money and supporting the baby. Then here the father will get full custody , till they both are adults and earning people.

Can a minor have full custody of a child?


Can you leave the state with your son that your ex husband has custody over but not full custody?

With his permission you can.