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The executor must make a reasonable and diligent search for property. They cannot be "required" to find unknown property. The heirs and relatives should assist by notifying the executor of any property they have knowledge of.

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Q: Does executor of a will has to find unknown property of testator?
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Does executor know contents of will?

Generally, yes. The testator should make the whereabouts of their will known to the executor in the event of their death. If the testator has died the executor has the right to take possession of the will in order to submit it for probate. During that process they can read the will before it is made public.

How do you know if you are in someones will?

Typically, the person creating the will (the testator) will inform you if you are named as a beneficiary in their will. After their passing, the executor of the will is responsible for notifying beneficiaries of their inclusion. Additionally, you can inquire directly with the executor or the testator's attorney to find out if you are named in the will.

Can an Executor notorize the Will?

Absolutely not. The will should be notarized by a disinterested third party. A will notarized by the executor would expose it to being challenged after the death of the testator, the court would likely disallow the will and the estate would pass as intestate property. The "executor/notary" may find herself in additional trouble if she benefits from that situation. A general rule is that a notary may not notarize any document from which they would derive a benefit. An executor would derive a benefit because they would have intimate control over a person's estate. A notary should have a working knowledge of the rules that govern that office.

Can a piece of land be sold by the executor if it is to go to the heirs and does not include the executor?

The executor is responsible to the estate and must find money to pay all debts before distribution. They may sell property if necessary and approved by the court.

When a testator dies and the named executor does not want the duty how does he find a new executor?

The appointment of a named executor or replacement of an executor for any reason is under the jurisdiction of the probate court. The named executor can file a Declination if they don't want to accept the appointment and the court will appoint an alternate. The person who wishes to relinquish the office after appointment as the executor must file a motion with the court to be relieved of that duty and the court will appoint a successor. If the executor dies or becomes incapacitated the court will appoint a successor. If there has been misconduct or breach of duty by the executor the beneficiaries may petition for removal and appointment of a successor.

How do you find out who the executor is of a revocable trust is?

A revocable trust has a trustee not an executor. If you want to know something about the trust you would need to ask the trustor. The trustor is the person who created the trust to hold title to their property.

What if you can not find the owner of the property?

You need to hire a professional. A professional title examiner can perform a title examination to find the owner of the property. If the property is listed as "owner unknown" in the tax assessor's records the research may be costly.

Who is best for executor?

You can find an excellent article about what to consider when choosing an executor at the link provided below.

What to do with a will when someone dies?

You must first be certain that what you have is the original (and not a copy) of the Will and that this is the LAST version of the person's Will. The Will usually appoints an executor who is responsible for carrying out what the Will sets out. The Will should be given to the executor(s) along with the death certificate and all the information you can find relating to the persons bank accounts, shares and property holdings (all that the deceased owned). The executor(s) will then prove the Will in a court of probate and once that has been done and any outstanding taxes and debts have been settled, they will distribute the estate (the dead persons property) as the Will instructed.

How do you find the courthouse where the will would be filed?

The will is usually filed in the county where the testator was resident upon death.

How can you find out if you were left something in a will?

You should be notified by the executor.

What will you measure first mass or volume?

It truly doesn't matter which you measure first. Unless you are trying to find a property of something that is dependent on either mass or volume, but not the other; in which case you would find first the one you need to make the unknown property.