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If he is responsible for the payment of childcare he is entitled to confirmation of such if he plans to use the amount as a tax deduction. The ideal situation would be for the childcare provider to deal directly with him, assuming he is the person submitting payment for the service.

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Q: Does ex-wife need to give receipts for daycare to non custodial parent?
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Can a non-custodial parent -this is sole legal and physical custody- sign school permission slips and authorization for medical treatment at a daycare and what are the avenues to prevent this?

no, non- custodial parent cannot, take the custody order to school, daycare, and hospital,

Who pays daycare during noncustodial parents weekly visits?

As it is normally a part of the child support order, the custodial parent would.

Can non custodial parent claim daycare for tax reurn?

Yes, in most cases. If he or she included the costs in regular child support payments or reimbursed the custodial parent for such the party should obtain a signed affidavit from the custodial parent stating the fact and documentation from the childcare provider of the amount paid.

Can the custodial parent deny visitation to the non-custodial parent if no visitation order is in effect?

Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.Yes. The non-custodial parent must return to court and request a visitation schedule.

Is the non custodial parent required to pay for child care when they are already paying child support and health insurance?

Yes...a mathematical equation set by your states Child Support Guidelines may be found via the internet. In Florida it is custodial parent- 49% and non-custodial parent- 51% of ALL expenses incurred regarding the children, rent, car payment, insurance, daycare etc...etc...(Obviously the custodial parent doesnt really pay the 49% but has that number as an expense).

What do you I if the custodial parent is not obeying any of the court orders for my rights in Houston Texas?

File a motion for contempt, list all violations, dates, times and attached any exhibits, receipts, text messages, e-mails, etc, that you have to support your allegations. Get hearing time from the Judge, coordinate the hearing with the custodial parent, or her attorney, prepare your notice for hearing, send to custodial parent/attorney, and let her or him have it!! Good luck.

Can a non-custodial parent sign school permission slips and authorization for medical treatment at a daycare and things of that nature?

Non custodial parent does not mean the parent has no custody. One parent has primary custodial and the other parent has secondary custodial. Unless you have sole custody of the child you should also have a shared parenting agreement. Neither parent should do anything without notifying the other party, except for emergencies. If there is no agreement in place, get one. Both parents should be involved in the parenting decision of the chid. Remember, you both brought this child into the world. It doesn't happen alone.

Is non custodial parent legally bound to tell custodial parent where the child is?

Yes! Why would you want to keep that from the "custodial parent" anyway?

Is custodial parent liable for for child who won't listen to custodial parent and runs to noncustodial parent?

for what?

Custodial parent denies Noncustodial parent visitation rights in Mississippi?

Unless visitation rights for the non-custodial parent were allowed in the divorce paperwork, the custodial parent is completely within their rights to deny the non-custodial parent visitation....however, the non-custodial parent may sue for visitation rights.

Can a non-custodial parent find out how much the custodial parent was reimbursed by insurance carried by the custodial parent?

Only from your insurance. What are your concerns? See my profile.

Can the custodial parent deny visitation to the non custodial parent in Washington?

No. The non-custodial parent needs to have the visitation rights enforced by the court if necessary.