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In most cases Double Jeopardy protection is about being tried for a crime more than once.

Clarification: Double Jeapordy only applies in criminal cases and is not applicable in employment circumstances.

What about the cases listed on the the site, AELE LAW LIBRARY OF CASE SUMMARIES, Employment and Labor Law for Putlic Agencies;

Example cases:

"A Florida agency may not take disciplinary action on one occasion, and at a later date increase the punishment. Dept. of Empl;oyment Protn. v. Baker, 654 So.2d 594, Fla.App. Lexis 4422. {N/R."

"An employee may not be twice disciplined for the same offense. Branza v. Martin, 570 N.E.2d 411 (Ill.App. 1991. [1992 FP 37-8]."

I actually want to sue the vice president of a non-profit organization, as an individual who violated my firft and fourteenth admendments rights to due process, and commited slander against me.

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Q: Does double jeopardy protection apply to disciplinary actions against employees?
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Let's assume that your asking about disciplinary actions against a specific employee. (Supervisorys can always discuss general policy, such as "don't be late.") Most human resources managers would agree that it is not wise for a supervisor to discuss specific disciplinary actions taken against an employee publicly. However, it does happen. Some companies have the policy to keep all disciplinary issues private. If that is the case, the supervisor could actually be written up for it. In other companies, disciplinary matters might be discussed. For example, if John steals from his coworker Mary, the company may want Mary to know that John has been disciplined.

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The word jeopardy is a noun. Jeopardize or jeopardized is the verb.His actions jeopardized his job.

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The Human Resource Office in your workplace would have a document that out lines disciplinary actions for work place situations. To understand what actions would be taken against an employee one need only read the document.

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