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Q: Does carob powder expire
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How do you make fudge using carob powder?

carob powder, almond butter, fat free milk, and agave nectar

How much does carob powder cost in India?

Carob powder has different qualities. It will cost you from INR 400 - 500 per kg. I sell carob powder. it will cost you INR 400+ shipping.. my contact details:

Is carob gum gluten free?

Carob powder is created by grinding the pods of the Carob tree which is found in the Mediterranean region of the world. It is inherently gluten-free. However, as with all powdered substances, wheat flour can be added to the carob powder as an "anti-caking" agent. The flour does NOT have to be listed in the ingredients according to US law since, as defined by the FDA, flour (and the gluten found in it) is "generally recognized as safe". This standard is know as GRAS and it is bad news for celiacs. When the seeds of the carob pod are ground up, it is called carob bean gum, or locust bean gum. For those who are gluten sensitive, it is important to make sure that the carob powder or the carob treat that you bought did not have gluten added to it during processing. I have bought gluten-free carob powder and it is clumpy, like granulated sugar on a humid day. Companies such as Chatfields provides carob powder that is not clumpy at all. They also indicate on their web site that they cannot guarantee that trace amounts of gluten did not get into the carob powder during processing. So I stay away from Chatfields. There is a study "Physiochemical studies of caroubin: a gluten-like protein" from J Agric Food Chem (2001) that mentions both caroubin (a protein found in carob powder) and gluten have the same "rheological" properties, but that just means that they have the same viscosity in solution. You should not get a gluten reaction eating carob powder that is processed in a gluten-free facility, or if you get the pods and grind them up yourself :-).

How do you make 'chocolate' fudge using carob powder instead of chocolate?

For a simple recipe on how to make carob fudge, see the Related Link.

What can you use to substitute cocoa?

Carob powder. Depends on the recipe, sometimes a coffee liquer will work.

What is carub?

Carob is a tropical pod that contains a sweet, edible pulp. the pulp is roasted and ground into a powder that resembles cocoa powder, but not the same flavor and texture of chocolate

What is the recipe using carob powder and dates as a treat that taste like chocolate?

8 dates, carob powder, lime juice plus the rind, mix in mixer and make paste, then roll the dates in the mixture. You can also add in dried cranberries, apricots, currents, and other dried fuits to the mix in the blender. I usually use 1/2c. carob powder and add 5-6 half cups of different dried fruits and add jime juice to taste. Have fun with it.

Is carob vegan?

Carob by itself is vegan. Some carob bars have dairy added.

Does gold bond powder expire?

Gold Bond powder typically has a shelf life of around 2-3 years if stored properly in a cool, dry place. After this time, the effectiveness of the powder may start to decrease. It's best to check the expiration date on the packaging to ensure optimal performance.

When does cocoa powder expire?

I have a pkg of hershey's 100%cacao powder that says it expired jan 2011. Its almost full. is it safe to eat or no.

Does carob chocolate contain caffeine?

Carob is not chocolate. It also does not contain caffeine. Carob can be used as a substitute for chocolate. Carob chips are yummy to snack on - they can be purchased in a bulk food store.

I would like to know how to make carob chocolate. I have a son that is allergic to milk products.?

First of all, you have to buy the carob; it comes in powder or chips I believe. I used to bake with carob when my daughter was young but that was so many years ago. I did a quick web search for recipes, there are plenty but read them through because most call for butter. Look for vegetarian or vegan recipes, they should be dairy free. I remember that I had to experiment but many carob treats are delicious. Carob has it's own unique flavor. There should be recipes on the packages, but again, look out for other diary ingredients.