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Anything you do in life affects others, even those you do not know. It's like dropping a pebble into a pond. It creates a ripple, and that ripple fans out and it affects the whole pond. The question is whether your actions create positive or negative change.

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15y ago
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12y ago

yes coz you may shank up your boss blud you get me wag1 mumzy wasteman tingaling

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Q: Does being in a gang effect your job or career?
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Its deffinantly a Career. It becomes your life, if you have a passion for art and tattooing then you dont just have a job, it becomes your lifestyle aswell as your career. You cannot go from career to career (eg: A teacher to a builder), like you can job to job (eg: working in an office to working in Mcdonalds)

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Unemployment is being in the state of not having a job or career.

What the difference between getting a job and pursuing a career?

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I love being a cosmetologist. anyone creative can do this career, as long as your careful with scissors

What is the most common job in Ghana?

being in a really cool gang that wears the sunglasses on their top lip.

Where does Johnny work in the Outsiders?

He doesn't have a job, but his position in the gang, if that is what you are refering to, he is the gang's pet.

What is it like being a plumber?

It is an amazing career with lots of finical rewards and satisfaction in job completion's

Is being an engineer boring?

not necessarily, but it is a career that you must enjoy doing or else you will be disatisfied with your job

What is Gang Labor?

Gang labor is when slaves work together on a job, not just individually.