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It may require lots of time spent behind the wheel patrolling, but travelling far afield - no. Also - most agencies require that you reside within a certain mileage or commute-time of your duty station.

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Q: Does being a police officer require a lot of traveling?
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You got the same powers as a police officer, If you looking on becoming a full time police officer being a special constable helps because you already part of the police force

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a sheriff, body guard, or a security officer(:

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The single most important thing about being a police officer, ...Go home at the end of every shift.

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The penalties for assaulting a police officer will vary from state to state, but often involve being shot by the police.

Why is being a police officer good for?

If being a police officer is what you want to do with your life, then having job satisfaction will of course improve your over-all sense of pleasure in life. However, there are no special mental or physical benefits of being a police officer over any other profession.

Is it worth being a police officer?

If you want to fight for your right.

How do police live their life?

Just,like anyone else. Being a police officer is a job. Not who a person is.

How much do you get paid being police officer?

police officers get paid anything from 19k to 55k a year. (:

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What does intitle mean?

Intitle basically means give the right. Example "being a police officer doesn't intitle you to break the law" "being a police officer doesn't give you the right to break the law."