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Yes they do, because they work for the government.

All emergency vehicles that are traveling in non emergency circumstances must obey the rules of the road the same as anyone else.

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Q: Does an off duty ambulance have the right of way at 4 way stop sign?
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How does one yield right of way to an Ambulance on an expressway?

As an EMT, I work on the ambulance a lot and I've seen many ways people try to get out of the way of an ambulance. On ANY road, when an emergency vehicle is coming, SLOW DOWN, or STOP and pull to the RIGHT. That is the correct way to yield right of way to an ambulance. This will help ambulance crews AA whole lot.

When stopped at a stop sign what order does the right away go?

The first one at the stop sign lol nah the right

Stop sign ticket?


What has 8 equal sides and no right angles?

An octagon (like a STOP sign).

How do you pass level 5 in call of duty 3?

i think u pass the yellow flap thingy, turn right, stop at the stop sign, put on a hula skirt and do the meroca with all those sorts of people you like.

When making a left turn where there no stop sign in an intersection who has the right a way?

Oncoming traffic does, unless they have a stop sign.

Do you have to stop for an ambulance if your on your bike?

If the bike has a license, then it is an official vehicle and you need to ride it on the road and stop for the ambulance and get on the shoulder of the road.

Who has right of way at 4 way intersection with one stop sign?

Anyone without the stop sign on their part of the road.

There is a stop sign right before your driveway Should you wait until the othercar stops at a sign moves along and then back out Or should the other driver stop at a sign and wait for you to back out?

the car on the street has the right of way

Does a stop sign have a least one right angle?


What is Right red after stop sign means?

I think it means you can't turn right

If there is no stop sign at an intersection do you stop or just slow down?

An intersection with no stop sign indication means you have the right of way, this also means that the drivers on the other side of the intersection have a stop sign. But to be safe,you can always slow down, just to be ready to break if a driver thinks you have a stop sign.