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Absolutely. The filing of bankruptcy does not alter your obligation to report and file taxes, except perhaps to make it more nessasary. The IRS is a creditor, your return is what will be used to determine how much they have a right to file a claim for. If you do not file, they will either determine your tax....(a bad thing)...and file a claim, or you may not relieve the tax in bankruptcy and be liable in the future. Agreeably, you may have losses, and not have a tax or income to pass to the shareholders...but you would have a loss to pass on.

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Q: Does an S Corporation have to file a Schedule K-1 after it has filed for bankruptcy?
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Yes, but you have to provide a copy of your bankruptcy file.

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Yes you will need an attorney to file for bankruptcy and deal with the court. As an individual you will not be able to schedule hearings, etc as necessary to do the bankruptcy.

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You can file bankruptcy again 7 years after the last time you filed.

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Schedule C is to be filed by those who are in business as a sole proprietor. or in business as a single member LLC which has not elected to be taxed as a corporation.

Can you file bankruptcy if I am not in Canada?

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