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Yes, at least one full rental period before vacating. If the tenant gives notice (which must be in writing) now, on April 30, they owe all of May. If they give notice tomorrow, May 1, they owe through June.

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Q: Does a tenant at will need to notify the landlord before vacating?
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What is the maximum number of days the landlord or broker has to notify the tenant before placing a claim on the tenant's security deposit?

Usually up to 30 days

How should a landlord notify a tenant that the apartment will be painted?

A landlord must notify a tenant at least 24 hours in advance of any work that is about to be done on the property. It should be done in writing.

Is a person in abandonment if they are arrested and can the landlord keep their possessions?

The landlord is required to make reasonable attempts to notify the former tenant that he must remove his possessions. How long the landlord must wait before he disposes of the items depends on how much time the tenant has paid rent for. The time also depends on the jurisdiction.

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Can a landlord evict a guest for a noise complaint if the tenant was causing the noise?

Yes. If a tenant is not in the habit of making a lot of noise then the landlord would not have much grounds to evict them. However, if a tenant is a problem for other renters, how a landlord evicts someone depends on the state in which he lives. Usually, a landlord could evict a person even if they have a lease for violating city codes for noise. A landlord would be wise to put such stipulations in their leases. This is based on the number of complaints the police receive concerning the noise or the number of complaints a landlord receives. In some states, all a landlord has to do is send a registered letter to the tenant notifying them of the complaint and that they are on notice to cease and desist or face eviction. If the tenant continues to bother others with their noise, then the landlord can notify the Sheriff's Department to evict the tenant. Of course this will not prevent the tenant from taking the landlord to court. This is why the landlord needs to keep good records and copies of police reports concerning the tenant to use in court.

What is the possessive form of the landlord and the tenant?

The possessive forms are landlord's and tenant's; for example:The tenant's apartment is the best one in the landlord's building.

How can you get out of your lease?

Your lease may contain termination provisions that define the conditions upon which you may "get out of your lease" early. For example, it may require you to provide a suitable replacement tenant (or sublet) or forfeit some equivalent of one month's rent. In any case, you can notify the landlord or your intentions and see if you can mutually agree to terms for vacating in an orderly fashion. You can always notify the landlord and leave, knowing that they will want to collect some amount of unpaid rent and probably other damages. However, they have the burden of proving you owe anything (according to the terms of the lease), and the burden of finding someone to replace you so they can start collecting rent again. If you move out and someone else moves in right away, the landlord's "damages" are very limited, and the are not likely to be able to force you to pay for the entire lease you broke.

Can a landlord rent a property that has code violations?

In any situation, if there are code violations, the tenant needs to notify the landlord, and give him an opportunity to correct. Some municipalities require that a landlord get a Certificate of Occupancy from them before renting - check with your local building or health inspector. But, that is an issue between the town and the landlord, not usually the tenant.

What does the landlord require to do after a tenant dies from health issues in the home before renting it out again?

The landlord must prepare the unit for rent as he would if the tenant moved out. In some states, if a tenant dies in the unit of a homicide or suicide, or was found in advanced decomp, the Landlord must state this to the potential tenant if such death occurred within the past eighteen months before any tenants move in, or the tenant can break the lease and sue the landlord for omission of a material fact.

Why does a lease gives both the tenant and the landlord security?

A security deposit is a refundable deposit that a tenant pays to their landlord before they move into a property As long as a tenant abides by the terms of their lease, this deposit should be returned to a tenant when their lease has expired. There are certain situations where a landlord is allowed to keep all or part of a tenant's security deposit.

Is it illegal to change the locks of a rental property without notifying the tenant?

I can only answer for Massachusetts, but I think you can. The landlord has a right of entry, but he should get the permission of tenant, and the tenant has a right to be there at the time. If the landlord needs to get in during an emergency, perhaps he should be calling the police.

If the Landlord signs the lease with a tenant and finds out the tenant has been evicted 8 times?

This should have been disclosed when the landlord performed the background check, before the lease was signed. Well, if the landlord had an application for an apartment to which the tenant denied having been evicted if there were questions that asked such, then the landlord can terminate the lease for the tenant having falsified the information given.