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How much you pay is a set sum, in percentage of your income. Usually around 20-30%. That does not change if the person get remarried.

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If the noncustodial parent tries to keep the child, the custodial parent can get the noncustodial parent charged with kidnapping and contempt of court both can be jail time for the noncustodial.

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This is hard to answer because there can be many variables involved. The noncustodial parent may contest the move and take the custodial parent to court to show cause. But it may not be possible for the noncustodial parent to actually prevent the move unless the move is out of state.

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Yes, they do.

What if the noncustodial parent is in college?

In general, child support is based on a percentage of net income. Being a student doesn't exempt one from paying support, altho lack of income might.

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Only the court has the power to deny visitation rights.

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for what?

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No, but the orders need to be modified. see link

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if the child doesn't want to see the noncustodial parent he doesn't have too. don't force him to do it =)