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I only know Massachusetts law, which states that a tenant must grant access in the last 30 days of a tenancy for the purpose of showing the unit to a prospective tenant or buyer. I think most states have a similar provision. The landlord should give reasonable, written notice - at least 24 hours in advance.

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13y ago

Yes, they only need to provide you with a 24 hour notice to show our apartment.

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12y ago

Yes,They can,But only if you allow them permission or By You about to move out!

If not i believe you can call it trespassing on your property!

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Q: Does a landlord have the right to show your apartment to future tenants before the expiration of your lease?
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In a month-to-month tenancy at will, the landlord can raise the rent by giving notice that the current tenancy will be terminated at the end of the next month, and that, if the tenants want to stay after that, the rent will be more. Today is May 11. If the rent is due on the first of each month, and if landlord gives notice on or before May 31, then the tenants are obligated to leave at the end of June, or pay the new rent on July 1.

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Can a landlord redecorate and fix the house for selling while the current tenants are still renting and living there?

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