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Q: Does a immigrant have to be married to become a US citizen?
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Related questions

Can an immigrant become an American police officer?

A lawful immigrant who has become a naturalized American Citizen can become a police officer, but not an immigrant/alien who has not become a US citizen.

Can an immigrant married to a US citizen remain in the US?

Not unless they themselves are registered in court as an American citizen.

Can an underage illegal immigrant become legal by being adopted by a US citizen?

Yes. If the illegal immigrant marries a citizen, they can become a citizen from that.

How can you be removed from the US if you entered legally but are still an immigrant and are married to a US citizen?

you are still a immigrant unless you become a legal citizen on citizenship day.Therefore they have the right to deport you. I am a lawyor and has helped me in similar situations however my expertise comes at a price.

If your boyfriend and you want to get married and he is not a legal citizen can you still get married?

It is legal in the United States for an illegal immigrant to marry a US citizen. Once the marriage is legal, the illegal immigrant becomes a legal immigrant and can stay in the US for the course of the marriage.

Is there a law that says a us citizen married to an illegal immigrant for a year that the immigrant can then apply for green card?

No he cannot

Can a legal immigrant married to a US citizen get a job?

If they have a green card, they can work.

How should a US citizen who does not work married to an illegal immigrant who works illegally help him get a green card?

the US citizen shouldn't

Can an illegal immigrant become legal by marrying with an international student?

Check with the laws in your state before getting married, but in most states, anyone who marries a United States citizen can become a US citizen, and thus be legal.

What can happen if an illegal alien married a U.S. citizen to get a Social Security card and a work permit but they got divorced after a year and the citizen found out the alien was using her?

=An immigrant is NOT an alien.==The immigrant would still be legal because they were married to a US citizen.=

How can an illegal citizen who has been here in the US for over 5 years become a legal citizen of the US?

Well the most common way to do it is by marriage as you just mentioned it yet i don't know yet the procedures of that situation however if you are an illegal immigrant you cant become a US citizen you will have to start with permanent residency and than maybe you can become a US citizen but try ghetting married ina lawful way dont pay someone to get married with you or else you will be in a whole lof trouble.

Does a legal immigrant become a citizen upon marrying a US citizen?

No, but it does give you the ability to complete the naturalization process.