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If the court order says the father has visitation rights, then the father has visitation rights and what the 17 year old thinks about it doesn't legally matter any more than the 17 year old would be able to get a court to find him not guilty of stealing something on the grounds that he really, really wanted it and couldn't pay for it.

So, yes. The 17 year old has to visit the father. The court can't require him to be happy about it, but they can require him to do it.

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Q: Does a 17 year old have to visit father in a joint parenting plan that requires visitation rights for the father?
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No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.

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As long as he has been established as the father and has not been deemed an unfit parent, the court will grant visitation rights.

Do I have visitation rights as a 17 year old father?

== ==

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What happens in tx if father does not see child duRing visitation?

He may have his visitation modified or rights to visitation terminated by the courts if his absence becomes chronic and the custodial parent files a motion for such based on the same. Also, child support may be increased in favor of the custodial parent due to increased parenting time.

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Only the court can legally suspend visitation rights.

What do you do if the father has visitation rights but not exercising them How do you change the agreement?

You need to return to court and request a modification of the visitation order.

How can i relinquish my father rights and be able to see my children who are out of state?

If you relinquish your rights you are not entitled to visitation.

Can your father get a court order making you visit him if you are 15 and live with your mom and haven't seen your father in 5 months and he is threatening to get a court order if you don't visit?

yes he can, provided they have filed a settlement agreement with the court in the county in which you live which gives your father rights of visitation or parenting time. If your mom does not allow your father to exercise his rights of visitation with you, she can be held in contempt of court for witholding you from him. If you do not wish to spend time with your father, it's best to explain to him why and usually you can work out a reasonable 'break time' until you want to spend time with him again.

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Being denied visitation or not, a father can petition for sole custody. The two situations are not related.

What rights does a father have if the mother has sole custody with unjust visitation withheld?

To fight for your rights see links