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You would need a court order emancipating you, usually this would involve proving in court that your parents are unfit parents and that you are mature enough and capable of supporting yourself financially.

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12y ago

no you cannot your not a legal adult until age 18 that's what my dad who is a cop said

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14y ago

yes. if you go to court for a custody battle the judge might ask him who he wants to live with.

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14y ago

That is a legal issue which is decided by the courts. You can get a lawyer to help you to do this (especially if you have money).

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Q: Does a 17 year old have any say over who should have custody of him?
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You can re-file in Family Court to amend the Full Custody and Support Order.

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Physical and legal (with joint provisions if you so desire). However any custody modifications including who gets custody and relocation may only be allowed by order of the court.

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No he cant he doesnt have any rights over you. if your mom has custody over you she can tho.

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Yes, the parents have to pay child support. They can give you temporary custody.

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filing for what? Custody? If custody, it depends on the speed of the court and if any or how much opposition there is, can be as little as 30 days as much as a year or more.

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Probably, it depends on the state. The best chance would be to convince the father that the child is being neglected - if he signed a waiver agreeing to custody to you then it would aid in the situation to convince a judge that the mother is unfit and that custody should be turned over to you. Legal Aid in your area should be able to help with this as well or any type of legal volunteer agency.

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The parents have to go back to court to file a modification of the custody order. They should also terminate any child support order that obligates the father to pay child support

Does a 16 year old have to sign a legal document when one parent is asking for full custody after the parent was sharing joint custody previously?

No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.No. Children do not have to sign anything whatsoever regarding their parents' custody arrangement. Also, a sixteen year old is too young to sign any legal document.

Can you get partial custody of your son?

You can request joint custody and you can also request a visitation schedule. You should consult with an attorney or ask if there is any advocate you could speak with at the court.You can request joint custody and you can also request a visitation schedule. You should consult with an attorney or ask if there is any advocate you could speak with at the court.You can request joint custody and you can also request a visitation schedule. You should consult with an attorney or ask if there is any advocate you could speak with at the court.You can request joint custody and you can also request a visitation schedule. You should consult with an attorney or ask if there is any advocate you could speak with at the court.

Would the father of the child be able to go to South Carolina and sign out his daughter from school and take her to Georgia and get temporary custody?

You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.You haven't provided any details about marital status and existing parental rights.If he doesn't presently have parental rights and custody- the answer is no. If the parents are unmarried the mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally and petitioned the court for custody and won. The school should not allow the father to take the child. The principal should call the mother to notify her of the situation. The state where the child lives has jurisdiction over that child.If the father had no parental rights the mother should contact the police immediately.

Can child services take parental rights without a court order?

No. Any change in custody must be done pursuant to a court order by the court with jurisdiction over the case.No. Any change in custody must be done pursuant to a court order by the court with jurisdiction over the case.No. Any change in custody must be done pursuant to a court order by the court with jurisdiction over the case.No. Any change in custody must be done pursuant to a court order by the court with jurisdiction over the case.

My 16 year old daughter and her 2 month old son live with me Since I have custody of her don't I have some rights over him She keeps threatening to leave?

Depends on the child laws where you live. In Canada, at age 14 - a child can live where ever they like. However, if there is an infant or young child involved and the mother is leaving to a place that may not be safe or conducive to a minor- you should call the Child Service protection agency. Just because you have "custody" of a 16 year old does not mean you have custody of her child unless it is court ordered. In Canada, a 16 year old does not fall under the child protection act any longer.