Von Maur was created in 1872.
There's TWO (2) VON MAUR stores in Atlanta, Georgia.
VON MAUR never has to advertise, Simply BECAUSE Their Very Loyal Customers Do It For Them !!!!
no, westroads
Von Maur, Neiman Marcus, & Bloomingdales.
150,100 - 208,900
1718 Flatiron Iowa City, IA 52240
The number is 1-800-458-0396 and is listed in the back of your card.
minimum wage/ holiday help/10%discount
If you are part time, 10.50/hour + 1% commission on everything you sell. If you are full time, 11.00/hour + 1% commission.
No but Macy's Lord and Taylor, Von Maur, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom and select Saks Firth Avenues stores do sell Coach.
Von Maur is one of the biggest names in jewelry and sells the Brighton line of jewelry. Their reputation beats them in advertisement and is a must to look for this line.