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No, Michigan does not have the death penalty. They only executed 13 individuals before the laws changed 1976. The maximum sentence is life without parole.

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13y ago

No. Michigan was the first state to abolish capital punishment by state constitution in 1846.

Added: The correct date is 1846. See below link:

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What was the first state to abolish capital punishment?

Michigan was the first state to abolish capital punishment in 1846.

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Capital punishment in Spain was abolished for all crimes in 1995

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If they can really prove that the suspect is indeed insane, the judge would not allow capital punishment to be used on them.

Does Wisconsin allow the electric chair?

No. Capital punishment in Wisconsin was abolished in 1853.

What exactly is the death penalty?

It is the ultimate legal punishment where a suspect, after being proven guilty is executed by the governing law, such as a state or country. In the United States the citizens of the individual states decide if they want and will allow capital punishment for their worst criminals. In fact, the United States is one of the few industrialized nations that still allow the death penalty as punishment for capital murder.

What constitutes Capital Punishment in your society?

in the USA capital punishment is DEATH

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Austria doesn't have capital punishment.

Is revenge justification for capital punishment?

no revenge is not justification for capital punishment

Is capital punishment a belief?

Capital punishment is a belief and an actuality. It is not a universal belief or a universal actuality; the belief in capital punishment is only held by some people and capital punishment is practiced only in some places.

Was Marshall Michigan ever the capital of Michigan?

No, Marshall, Michigan has never been the capital of Michigan.

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Lansing is the capital of Michigan.

Is capital punishment practice in Fiji?

No. Capital Punishment is not tolerated or practised in Fiji.