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Congress, as a whole does not vote on presidential appointments. It is only the Senate that must give its advice and consent to presidential appointments.

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Q: Does Congress vote on presidential appointments?
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Who must approve all presidential appointments and treaties?

Most presidential appointments, including federal judges, cabinet members and ambassadors, require a simple majority vote of the Senate. Mid-term appointments of vice presidents require a simple majority vote of both Houses of Congress, and treaties require a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.

Can congress approve presidential appointments?

Yes and mOst often they have to

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The Senate

All presidential appointments must be approved of by this body with a simple majority vote?


Do both houses of congress have to confirm the president's appointments?

The Senate is the only house of Congress that has the power to approve presidential appointments.

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legislative branch

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Congress must confirm the appointment

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Congress must confirm the appointment

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The US President. Congress however has to ratify the Presidential appointments.

What vote in the Senate will approve the presidential nominations and appointees?

Confirmation of most presidential appointments requires the approval of more than half of the Senators present (U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2). Confirmation of a presidential appointment to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency requires the approval of more than half of both Houses of Congress (Amendment XXV, Section 2).