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No, because you can take the guns away from the people who use them to protect their family's, but the people who use them to rob houses aren't going to listen, so now your defenseless, remember "when seconds count, the police are only minutes away" and its a violation of our rights.

Making gun laws stiffer, will result in higher crime rates, just look at Mexico, UK, and Austrailia, those nations have outlawed all guns to the public, and the crime rate has gone up 40% within a year of those bans taking effect.

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The majority of Americans support gun ownership, although not as many own guns themselves. At the same time, the same survey found that most Americans believe there should be more restriction placed, presumably to at least prevent some raging psychopaths from being able to buy guns. There remains a very strong opposition to gun restrictions, headed especially by organisations such as the National Rifle Association, and this is not really seen in any other country in the world.

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11y ago

No! if anything they should be slackened.The amount of gun control laws on the books are not being enforced right now thru sentencing guide lines(Federal&state)by the prosecuting attorneys of all jurisdictions across this nation.All law abiding citizens follow the gun laws,it is the criminal element in mostly urban areas of the major cities that will never follow the laws in place.If this nation can figure out how to control the inner cities and all urban crime,along with the neglected mental health of our citizens,then we would not have to put up with the continued knee jerk reactions of the politicians,and news media who have demonstrated their total lack of knowledge of firearms in general,and how they operate.

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11y ago

Well based on the stats at, after comparing the USA to countries like Japan, I found out that America had over 9,000 firearm related murders last year while Japan had 47! If this isn't enough proof then I don't know what is. I myself believe that what America needs to do is not have stricter gun control laws.What this country will not address is the Question of unfunded mental health programs for those in need.I will also state that without the ability to address the problems of the urban population through out this nation and there desire to kill each other randomly firearm related deaths will continue on as before.Chicago which has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation proves that more gun control laws are not the answer.They have a all time high in gun related deaths which have been caused by illegal guns purchased illegally on the streets of Chicago!Lets face the truth and deal with this problem,not some more knee jerk reaction created by the politicians and news media,which have no idea about firearms,there function,and most of all their liberal agendas.

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6y ago

It's purely an opinion.

Generally, strict gun laws have no effect on crime rates, being that crime rates do not rise or lessen.

From an objective standpoint, all I can say is that gun control is effective in some areas and ineffective in others.

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6y ago

Almost every country where the government attempts to create a civil society the possession and use of firearms is controlled. The major exemption is the United States.Lets see how that works out:

  • The US gun homicide rates are 25 times higher than other high income countries
  • The USA has 5% of the worlds population but 31% of the worlds mass shootings
  • The USA has 5% of the world population but half of all civilian owned guns in the world.

Most countries with strict gun control laws have none or few mass shootings and gun related homicides.

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Who is trying to change gun control laws?

barak obama is pushing for more vigurous gun control laws and background checks

Gun control is necessary you need a law that will protect citizens?

Negative. Because, by definition, criminals will not obey gun control laws, honest citizens need access to firearms to protect themselves from the armed criminals. Gun control laws have never succeeded in protecting honest citizens. They have been most successful being used by oppressive governments to suppress dissent by their own citizens. Hitler, Stalin, and numerous other strong leaders recognized this and instituted strong gun control laws early in their regimes. Gun laws only increase crime.

Does Italy have gun control?

They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.

How does the National Rifle Association and its members influence government legislation concerning gun laws?

NRA members vote against gun control laws.

How many states passed gun control?

There are thousands of laws that relate to gun control, and cover every state. Those laws have been there for years.

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What is the BATFE?

The B.A.T.F.E enforce gun control laws.

Is there gun control in other countries?

Yes. Most cities have more onerous gun control laws than the United States does. However, many of them still have higher crime rates than the US does, and within the US, the states and cities with the strictest gun control laws often have the highest crime rates, such as Chicago and Washington, D.C.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party disagree on social issues like gun control and immigration. They also disagree on issues like how much money should be spent on welfare programs. Which of?

strict gun control laws, more money allocated for welfare programs, and more lenient laws on immigration

When a government control all firearms is called?

Gun laws.

How many gun laws are there?

In the entire U.S. there are an estimated 20,000 or more gun laws.

Where is your stance on gun control?

Your question asks for an opinion. My opinion is that gun control laws are based on a flawed belief that a person who will break laws regarding murder, robbery and rape will obey another law that says they may not have a gun. There are already about 20,000 Federal, State, and local gun laws on the books in the US. Gun control laws frequently do little except keep law abiding people from being able to defend themselves.