To obtain a restraining order you go to the county court for the county you live in. You must provide a vail reason to a judge as to why you need a restraining order. It is possible to have a restraining order for someone out of states but it is difficult to serve them the order so they are not always properly initiated.
Nothing, a restraining order is always free...
Depends on the reason for the restraining order but I don't think, considering its temporary for whatever reason, it would count as a criminal offense.
In order to dismiss a restraining order, you will need to petition a "Dismiss Protection Order" with the court system.
A "Restraining Order."
Yes If you have a valid reason
if touched hurt or thretined
Yes a restraining order can be done for phone harassment. But you are going to have to have a good cause why you need one.
Usually, a "temporary restraining order" will expire according to its own terms. This means that the order itself will specify a date or event when the order is no longer effective. If a restraining order does not have such a limitation in it, then it is not a temporary order. If you are the person the restraining order benefits and you wish to drop it, you should apply to the court for an order vacating the restraints.
You can get a restraining order on anyone you want, as long as you have a legitimate reason.
it depends on what the reason is.
You will need to contact the police or the courts to get restraining order against an ex in Riverside, CA.