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Yes you do. You are required to get a business license even if you have an online business or an at home business in the state of Florida.

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Q: Do you need a permit to sell fire wood?
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Related questions

What is needed to burn wood and what is released?

for wood to burn you need fire

How did the men in the Alamo get their wood for cooking?

They got them for fire. They need fire for cooking.

Why is wood split into slender pieces and why are the piceces of wood arranged loosely in the stove?

Wood is first split to increase the exposed surface, and permit water in the wood to evaporate to the air- curing or drying. Wood is also split into smaller pieces, again increasing the exposed surface area, to permit the temperature of the wood to be quickly raised above the kindling temperature, and catch fire. When wood is loosely arranged in the stove, it permits free movement of flame and air to provide a quick burn.

What is it that need wood to thrive dies when it drinks water?


what is test of pizza woodfire?

you need to make pizza with wood fire

What do you need to do cause a chemical change to wood?

easiest way is to set it on fire

What do you need to start a fire?

To start a fire, you will need fuel (such as wood or paper), a spark (from matches, a lighter, or a fire starter), and oxygen. It's important to have a safe and controlled environment to prevent the fire from spreading uncontrollably.

Does fire need sun to grow?

No. Since fires are most often built at night it is not reasonable that they need sunlight. However, when you burn wood the energy which makes the fire hot was stored by the tree the wood came from, and this energy came from sunlight. In this sense fires need sun.

What three elements are needed to have a fire?

no what you need to have to start to start a fire is lots of diff stuff you need fuel... like wood, dry grass or tinder paper. Air...oxygen. Heat ... fire!

How does wood help us?

Wood helps us get warm ( if a fire is going on).Also helps by making things that we need like shelter and pencils that we need to write with everyday.

How do you start a fire in the rain?

You will need to find a dry location such as a cave or build a shelter. You can't start a fire with wet wood so you will need to find dry kindling such as wood under leaves or thick trees that haven't gotten to wet.

What are types of fire?

wood fire,oil fire,